Fitness Spas: A 24/7, 365 Day a Year Gym Membership

Everybody understands the benefits of aquatic exercise. What everybody does not realize is that swimming and other aquatic exercises are not always (or even usually) a feasible option. Outdoor community pools are only open between three and six months out of the year. Even if they were open year-round, a big in-ground bucket of ice is hardly an appetizing environment for swimming. Personal pools are usually too narrow and/or shallow to perform aquatic exercises and are also subject to freezing. Indoor pools often come with a hefty membership price and limited use due to all the classes and ‘open time’ for the children.

One place where you can swim, regardless of the time of year, is in your own Fitness Spa or Swim Spa! Each of our Fitness Spas - whether the HydroFit-FS8 or the Alpina Grand-FS11 - or any one of our Swim Spas, including the Spania - SS13 and the Spania - SS15, are designed with state-of-the-art propulsion systems as well as advanced temperature control technology. So whether it’s a July afternoon in Atlanta or a snowy New Year's day in Boston, be assured that you can get a great aquatic workout in your Barefoot Fitness Spa or Swim Spa.

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